
by Gigi Giustiniani e Raffaele Rezzonico

DOCUMENTARY (Italy, 2014, 65’)


In the summer of 1932, Gabriele Boccalatte and Ninì Pietrasanta met. They met on the Monte Bianco, they climbed it together and fell in love.
Their great alpine years go exactly from 1932 to 1936 – the year in which they got married. They, as a roped party, pioneered some of the toughest alpine routes. They used to keep journals and take pictures in order to keep a record of their achievements.
Ninì, that was one of the very few female climbers of those years, would carry a 16mm film camera with her, during her climbs.
In 1937, their son Lorenzo was born, and, in 1938, Gabriele died, falling from a mountain wall. Ninì, then, gave up extreme climbing and focused on her role as a mother.

Some years after Ninì’s death, in 2000, her son Lorenzo found the reels his mother had been shooting, hidden in an old case.


Director: Gigi Giustinaini
Script: Raffaele Rezzonico
Productor: Daniele Ietri Pitton
Executive Producer: Eleonora Mastropietro
Voices: Alice Corni – Mele Ferrarini
Music: Laura Ortman

Produced by La Fournaise
in Collaboration with Dok Mobile, Friburg (CH)
With the sustain of Valle d’Aosta DOC-FF FILM FUND


Trento Film Festival – Genziana d’Oro miglior film di alpinismo e Premio Città di Imola
Nuovi Mondi Film Festival – Premio miglior documentario
Euganea Film Festival – Premio Cinemambulante
Sestriere Film Festival – Menzione speciale
Cervino CineMountain – Premio montagne d’Italia per il miglior film italiano
Spotkania z Filmem Górskim – Menzione speciale della giuria per meriti artistici
International Festival of Mountain Films Poprad  – Premio della Giuria
EHO Mountain Film Festival – Menzione Speciale
Bansko Mountain film festival –  Gran Premio
Krakow Mountain Festival – Menzione Speciale
Dutch Mountain Film Festival – Menzione Speciale
Overtime film festival – Premio Overtime film festival
Berg + Abenteuerfilmfestival di Graz (Austria) – Kamera Alpin in Gold



(2014) Filmmaker Festival, Milano – Sezione prospettive (prima italiana)
(2015) Trento Film Festival – Concorso Internazionale (prima internazionale
(2015) Sole Luna Doc Film Festival, Palermo
(2015) Nuovi Mondi Film Festival, Valloriate (CN)
(2015) Euganea Film Festival, Villa Draghi a Montegrotto Terme (PD)
(2015) Sestriere Film Festival
(2015) Cervino CineMountain, Valtournenche (AO)
(2015) Swiss Mountain Film Festival, Pontresina (Svizzera)
(2015) Festival dei Festival, Lugano (Svizzera)
(2015) 32nd IMFF, Teplice nad Metují (Repubblica Ceca)
(2015) Spotkania z Filmem Górskim, Zakopane (Polonia)
(2015) International Festival of Mountain Films, Poprad (Slovakia)
(2015) Berg Film Festival, Tergensee (Germania)
(2015) MIDBO Muestra Internacional Documental de Bogotà,  Bogotà (Colombia)
(2015) EHO Mountain Film Festival, Skopje (Macedonia)
(2015) Bansko Mountain film festival, Bansko (Bulgaria)
(2015) Krakow Mountain Festival, Cracovia (Polonia)
(2015) Autrans Mountain Film Festival, Autrans (Francia)
(2015) Kathmandu International Mountain Film Festiva, Kathmandu (Nepal)
(2015) Altremontagne, Verona
(2016) Oaxaca sport film festival, Oaxaca (Messico)
(2016) Dutch Mountain Film Festival, Herleen (Olanda)
(2016) Overtime film festival, Macerata
(2017) Mountain Film International FilmFestival Graz

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